
THE BOOK – An Entourage-style series about a group of young friends in their early twenties who start an online sportsbook and make it big.

They work for a well-known online sportsbook and the owner of the company is a dick. They have ideas about how they would run their own operation, and when Albert, aka Rain Man, hits a long shot ten team parlay, and wins 10 million, they have their seed money to started.

Money, women, parties and conflict follow.

Cast of Main Characters

Jake – the tall, handsome alpha male of the crew. He’s a boxer and mixed martial artist who provides an aura of protection to this group of sports geeks.

Chucky – Jake’s right-hand man. He’s savvy in business operations and always looking to get ahead.

Albert – Nicknamed Rain Man by his friends, he’s a socially awkward introvert, and a math whiz with a particular eye for patterns.

Sunny – Jake’s girl and the mother of his daughter, a straight-laced good girl, who’s working her way through law school while raising a toddler.

Baccaloobots – The street guy of the crew. He works at a popular local sports bar and has connections for whatever you need.

Allain – The owner of the company, he’s a narcissist whose success in one field has deluded him into thinking he’s an expert at everything.

Episode One

An Uber, a drunken Chuck is with an Arab driver, music (pertinent to the city in which filmed) blaring, Chucky laughing/cackling telling him to make it louder / casino / bar / banging on doors in the city / ‘Ring’ doorbell camera footage / altercation with guys in neighborhood / Jake rescues him, beats up the bad dudes from the city, throws Chucky in the car and zooms off.

The next morning. Chucky opens his bloodshot eyes and tries to focus on the objects in the room to determine his whereabouts. Too early to try to recall the previous night’s events.

Jake hears him rustling in the bed.

JAKE: Hey Stupid, you up?

Chucky closes his eyes.

JAKE: You gotta work in an hour. And you’re scheduled to be in the office today.

CHUCKY: Fuck that, I’m working remote.