
Ongoing… forever

These are the paper towel writings…

which is basically us talking for the last 30 years

Why do you give in to the notion that well all must die?

I don’t

I’m still fighting that battle

I don’t need to be a movie star, a TV star, or an anything star.

I strive to be a great person.
People are too uptight and angry for no good reason


I’m a Man, baby!
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

–Eleanor Roosevelt
I’ve worked on computer codes, mortgages and a lot of other stuff for the past 30 plus years.

Thankfully I’m not doing that anymore.

Well, actually I am

we all need a routine

not all the time, but routine is very good

no shit, Sherlock

These thoughts and quotes are a much needed creative break from the numbers.
I’ll never go back to the parcoontness.
I agree
Lets go back to 1988

Stephen went to LA to visit Rodney

They were smoking crack and it destroyed both of their lives

On the bright side, it’s 2025
Stephen is a book unto himself
Nobody in the world wants to talk to me tonight
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
–Victor Hugo
A sense of humor the best and most magical quality
I’m 57
And STILL the middleweight champ of the world! : )

When you stop saying I, and start saying We, you are officially a parcoont!

I’m gonna try to live forever, wish me luck
I raised my daughters not to be scandalous whores!
— Larry Romano

I’m not gonna worry about what happens in the afterlife.

I gotta worry about now. While I’m still alive.

I need groceries, bills have to get paid…

–Uncle Vince
The kids are our offspring. I have faith in them.
They’re not rotten. They’re not stupid. They’re better than us.

Judge not lest ye be judged.
–The Sermon on the Mount
There is something to be said…
about everything.
–Stephen K
We’re not here for the isms
I promise to make a conscious effort to start believing in romance again someday
We’re all psychos bro
–Stephen K
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy
— Benjamin Franklin
Can’t we all just get along?
— Rodney King 1992
So if I get raped and impregnated, I have to carry the psycho rapist’s demon seed inside me for nine months and then give birth to it?


Because of your religious beliefs?


That’s what you’re proposing?


I don’t think so.

— Me and Uncle Vince 2024

And I’m a man, I can’t get impregnated.

Not yet, anyway.

Don’t be an asshole. Don’t be a prick.
Don’t be a pompous, arrogant ass.
The fuckin you get aint worth the fuckin you get.
— Harry K
Some people’s voices and songs just touch you. That’s the way it is, kid.
The most beautiful thing in life is the difference between man and woman.
–Harry K
These news broads are starting to look hot with the masks!
sometime during Covid
Thinking some people were true has been a mistake I’ve made too often, and it will probably happen again.

But like the songs says

That’s Life

Magnificent is a good word.
Keep moving forward. It’s called progress.
My primary objective for many years was to get the hottest girl alive.

On some days, it still is! Thank God.

But I’m not a sucker for a pretty face anymore.

Keep going, Christian

I will
You and I may die today. But let’s hope not.
Basement, Mancave, Office, whatever you wanna call it, is a sacred place.
04/24/2020. On day whatever this is of the Coronavirus pandemic, I know one thing: I gotta get laid!
Someone left the cake out in the rain!
–Donna Summer

It wasn’t me.
You can’t sell advice and people won’t buy wisdom.
We all think we’re the greatest.
The two things men think about most often are:
1) Women
2) Women


And women think about men just as often, if not more. Don’t kid yourself.

–Aunt Helene
You can preach all you want to your kids, but sometimes they just don’t want to hear it.

And neither did I.
I’ve started writing to myself.
I have 10 pairs of the same jeans.
You will find your way.
You have no other choice.
He has at least two Tuesday’s Gones and one Yellow Ledbetter left in him.
–Vinnie M
I don’t want intimacy.
–Mark Chick
I like my life.
Girlfriend just broke up with me.
Free man!
Tuesday’s still gone. With the wind!
It’s just you and me out here alone again tonight. And by you and me, I mean me.
You are your own engine.
I have many favorite songs. But lately, I’ve been listening to The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack a lot.

And don’t think take my word for it. Just listen to how beautiful it is.
Today is the most special day of your life.
We’re getting you out of the Flea Bag Inn for good. It’s not working out.

That’s a non-negotiable ultimatum.

Maybe 2022
Sunny does imitations of people. She’s like Rich Little
Confucius say girl with skirt up run faster than boy with pants down.
–Harry K
Thankfully, we get more secure of ourselves as we get older.

The angst of my 20s and 30s is over.

It was great fun, but I’m glad to be 57.
The elasticity of the ass.
–Uncle Mike
Why am I getting grouped in with the parcoonts?
–Vincent Screnci
There are too many Vincents to remember

Uncle Vince
Cousin Vincent
Vinnie Marinelli
Vincent Screnci, Sr.
Memories are something you can’t take away from me. Unless I get dementia.
Be nice. It don’t cost nothin.
— Angelo Dundee
Built like she was, she had the nerve to ask me if I planned to do her any harm.
— Prince
Everything’s postponed until tomorrow!
The best part of the song Piano Man by Billy Joel, is the harmonica.
If you think art is stupid or unimportant, imagine your life without music.

And, to prove my point, you could be the greatest mathematician in the world and you still cannot draw this…

We’re not thin-skinned people
I don’t believe in any of it. None.
I could’ve taken Wilson apart that night.
–Marlon Brando in On The Waterfront
She’ll keep you going for five days
If we agreed on everything, that wouldn’t be honest, would it?
Don’t get all migh and highty with me!
You lovebirds sicken me.
One clean punch. I can still knock out anyone with one clean punch.
Nobody gives a fuck. They’re all too busy living their own hum-drum lives.
–Harry K
Whenever you’re having a bad day, always remember that you are the one who beat out 50 million other sperm cells and hit the egg.
Music is adrenaline and talent combined.
In the game of chess, the queen protects the king.
–Megan T
Thank God for music!
Knowing when to exit is often the most important part of the evening.
To Denise–
Thank you for not hiding the wine tonight!
Have fun livin baby. Cause dyin is a pain in the ass.
–Frank Sinatra
We’re too loud to have an open porch.
How on earth has Hooters escaped the sexual harassment wave so far?

Seems like an incubator for lawsuits just waiting to hatch.

Let’s have scantily-dressed, large-breasted women serve men booze while they’re watching football.

Great idea!
Do you know how terrible it is to have to look for glasses in order to be able to see properly?
She forgot what I hired her to remember.
My irresistible charms make the panties fall off.
Completed my first two months at my new job today. Hit the floor this coming Tuesday. I deserve a pat on the back.
Apparently, what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas with you parcoonts, does it?
Parcoonts are hypocritical by nature.

I agree.

That’s a big part of the problem.
You aint laughing now, motherfucker!


She gave me the hooker eyes
An unfortunate reality is that so much is connected to financial success
Your outlook and perspective are the most important things
It’s good to not be in love.

I’ll leave it at that
I’m a sucker for all the pretty girl songs
I’d lie for you
–Bryan Adams
Don’t ever think you’re superior to me.
Just keep writing, Christian

I am
She lit the lighter, looked at the flame, then back at me.

It was time for my friends to leave.

–Mark Chick
HER: Were you drinking?

HIM: Take your clothes off.
February made me shiver
–Don McLean
Monkey see, monkey do. And humans are essentially super intelligent monkeys.

I agree.
I’m trying to preserve as much of it as I can.

I’m a preservationist. : )
Joseph is the emoji police.
Hey Rico, you’re a successful doctor, why do you do the stupid acting thing?

Because I’m an artist, that’s why.

–Rico Simonini
I’m gonna be 58 in 6 months

It’s a good number. Jack Lambert wore 58

Fuck her in the middle of the night. Women love that shit.

12:27 AM
I’m not trying to impress anybody. That’s what’s good about being 58 and not 35.
Trollop is a good word.

So is chiseler.
I’m going to Vegas with the Klemashes, what could go wrong?

Don’t give me the bullshit.
–Harry Klemash
Tomorrow is a new day. A new, beautiful day.

Don’t forget that
I love ballads
We all try to maintain our composure
Fathers are underrated.
The guy who thinks he can
and the guy who thinks he can’t
are both right.
You don’t ever have to thank me
Financial pressure is not fun pressure.
Joseph is a mensch.

It means the best person

a person of integrity and honor.

I agree
Jack Nicholson is on the Mount Rushmore of actors
Agile is a good word

He has a quick, agile mind.
Call me when you have no class
–Rodney Dangerfield
I’m 15 years older than Elvis was when he died.
Don’t weaken

–Harry Klemash
Do you really wanna try to match your intellect with mine?
I said now overcast days never turned me on, but something in the clouds in her mixed

Kids should go to school for free. There should be no tuition.
The ampersand is a great symbol

People say I’m lazy, dreaming my life away. . .

–John Lennon

They give me all kinds of advice, designed to enlighten me
You’re talking to the wrong guy about Valentine’s Day
I don’t pretend to be, nor do I intend to be, perfect.
I make my own to-do lists

–Larry Romano
I’ll kill everybody in the joint
We’re going on repeat tonight.
I’ve seen it all before.
For what is a man?
What has he got?
If not himself, then he has not!
To say the things he truly feels
and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows

and did it my way!

–Paul Anka
He needs to be shot with a tranquilizer dart
She’ll make a dead man cum

–Rolling Stones
Don’t make a grown man cry
Go to bed, stoopid
MacArthur’s Park is melting in the dark

Someone left the cake out in the rain
58 is the new 28

I feel great
Don’t go questioning me
It’s real if you make it real
I’m still standin

–Elton John
My mother is worse than Sherlock Holmes
Henry Gondorf agrees
Let’s not exaggerate, stoopid
I’m gonna try to live forever, wish me luck

Good luck

Thank you

You’re welcome

These are nice words
Each one of us are operas

Me Stephen Joseph Harry Mildred
The bane of my existence is a good quote
I’m not that clever
Not yet.
–Dave Pelesh
Stick that list up your ass
–Dave Pelesh
What did he just say

He said stick that list up your ass.
Lets go!
Don’t double question me

What does that mean exactly?

It means you said can I ask you a question and now you’ve asked me five questions


Any more questions?

Yes, actually

What is the meaning of life?

Well, to be a good person first and foremost

Why do you give in to the notion that we all must die?

I don’t.

As much as women get on my nerves, I love them

Where is our fearless leader?

And yes, I think I’m funny

To answer your question
Fags have been around forever, and this kid is like Mozart
If anybody bothers you, punch them in the face. And if that doesn’t work, call me and I’ll punch them in the face
When I find myself in times of trouble…

–the Beatles

Can I critique you?

Yes, of course.

Here’s my assessment.

You are an idiot.

I’m here to counter balance the exuberance of youth

the over exuberance of youth
We lost two greats this week.
Gene Hackman and Roberta Flack
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