EXT. POSH BEVERLY HILLS RESTAURANT – DAY Tony walks in and spots Sid, seated with Heather and Maria. Tony comes over. MARIA Tony, my bubula! She kisses him. Tony gestures to Sid. TONY Let’s talk at the bar for a minute. SID Excuse me, we’ll be right back. Tony and Sid go to the bar. TONY I know you were fucking Jessica. (beat) Don’t worry, I’m not gonna tell your wife. Both men look over at the women sitting at the table. SID What did she tell you? TONY Nothing, she’s gone. SID Gone? Not gone, gone? TONY No, Australia. Her and Malibu Max. You don’t have to worry about her ever again. And I believe these belong to you. Tony places the bag on the bar. Sid goes to grab it, but Tony pulls it back. TONY (CONT’D) You can have them back for one favor. SID What’s that? Tony leans in and talks into Sid’s ear. We cannot hear the dialogue above the chatter of the restaurant. Tony pushes the bag toward Sid who grabs it. They shake hands and embrace. EXT. STEPH’S BALCONY – DAY Steph, wearing a robe and slippers, sips coffee. Anthony comes out and kisses her on the shoulder. STEPH Good morning. How did you sleep last night? Anthony We slept last night? STEPH Here and there. Anthony What’s all the commotion out here? It woke me up. STEPH Cement trucks. They’re finishing the garage. A cement truck pours cement over the hole Jimmy and Uzi dug. STEPH (CONT’D) I think all these construction guys are getting me hot. Anthony Hot? I’ll show you hot! He tickles her and chases her into the bedroom, giggling. SUPERIMPOSE ONSCREEN: One Year Later. EXT. NEWSSTAND – DAY A ROLLER SKATING WAITRESS, wearing short-shorts, delivers drinks to a customer seated at the Newsstand, which has been remodeled into a modern, outdoor café. Ricky skates by as Jimmy and Manny look on. A neon sign on the second floor reads: Manny’s Latino Casino & Lounge. CUT TO: INT. SOCIAL CLUB – NIGHT Tony walks in. A young WANNABE mobster grabs his coat. WANNABE Espresso, Boss? TONY That would be nice. Another GANGSTER pulls out a chair for Tony. GANGSTER Hey Boss, it still hasn’t come on. TONY He said he’d be on five minutes before the game starts. The Monday Night Football theme music plays on the TV. Tony sits at a table in front of the largest flat screen. TONY (CONT’D) Make it louder. It should be next. Gangster #2 grabs a remote and turns up the volume. ON THE TELEVISION SCREEN a movie preview starts and we hear the Voice Over: VO He’s produced three of the highest grossing movies of all time. Five time Academy Award winner, Sid Montonious’ newest blockbuster, The Price of War! Onscreen, explosions, gunfire, and Anthony swings into frame firing an AK-47. Anthony punches a bad guy in the face. Anthony kisses a beautiful starlet. VO (CONT’D) Introducing, Tony Carto, Jr.! The social club erupts in applause. The Gangsters congratulate Tony “The Boss”. TONY Diamonds aren’t only a girl’s best friend! THE END. |